Tuesday, October 07, 2003


Tom Peters' new book, Reimagine! is now out. I encourage you to pick up a copy from Tom's website. I've ordered my copy, but haven't yet received it because I'm waiting for Tom to sign it. Does Tom know me? Nope. Love to meet him sometime. Does the autograph mean anything? Probably not, but I'm a big fan of his, so it means a little bit to me.

Even having not yet seen the book, I am able to download a chapter of it to look at and you can to by clicking here. What's cool about this book? In a word: Everything. Note that lots of stuff is in color. Is that just for the web version? Don't think so. Color's cheap these days -- sort of makes you wonder why more people don't print books in color. Seems very effective to me. Ever seen a black and white Powerpoint presentation? Bet you haven't or if you have, I bet it wasn't really good.

There's all kinds of stuff in the margins, there's all kinds of pictures and charts in the middle of the page. There are big fonts and exclamation points in the middle of paragraphs. What's going on here? Scared? Does it not look like how a book is supposed to look? All I can say is that it looks like a good business book after I'm done with it. I write quotes and things right along the margins. I staple articles that apply right into pages. I make it so a business book is my business book -- want to borrow one I think is good? Go buy your own.

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