Monday, January 17, 2005


I've recently really started using LinkedIn and it's very interesting the people that you can reach through people you know.  Also, it's very interesting to see how many people I already know are part of LinkedIn.  If you send me an e-mail with the subject of "Link-in" with a link to your profile and your e-mail address, I'll link you in to me.


Srini said...

This is more of an appeal. I see that you were mentioning that if anyone wants to link to you, he or she should send an invite and you will connect. However, I appeal to you to think about this. The point of LinkedIn is to connect with people you know and trust to some extent. I responded to a similar post on another blog and apart from the nice feeling a growing connection list generates, it adds not value. The point is, if you are busy, successful and neck deep in work (as I suspect most of us are), you just will not be able to respond to help queries from strangers; and even if you can, would you forward a request from me (a stranger) to one of your trusted connections?
Please see
and also comments by Jeff and my response.

Anonymous said...

Kautilya, I don't know how large your LinkedIn network is. Mine is about 700K. But there are 1.9 million LinkedIn members. Did you know that most of the people that are further than 4 degree away from you are not included in the results of your searches? In my case, that adds up to 1.2 million people.

I don't know about you, but I use LinkedIn as a directory service. If I meet somebody who says he's the director of IT services at Starbucks, before I get too far down the road with him I want to know whether there's a vice-president of IT services and what his background and interests are -- even if I can't reach him because he's on a practicle level too far removed from me. That service might not be what the LinkedIn founders had in mind, and they may not even want me to be able to do that using their site. But to me that's a useful service. So I hope that hubs of otherwise widely disconnected people do connect up -- just to provide broader visibility.