Friday, April 23, 2004

True Reviews of Stuff

I stumbled across this blog called silverorange stuff. It is a blog run by a company called Silverorange, and here is what that company does (from their site):

"Silverorange is a small team of web developers who produce user-focused web systems. We're driven to create systems that elegantly combine simplicity and functionality. It's what we do and it's all we do."

So what exactly are these people reviewing? Well, they're reviewing stuff.

What I love about this blog is the text reviews, for example:

"I bought a custom Timbuk2 bike messenger bag two and a half years ago so that I could bike to work and take my laptop with me. Timbuk2 offers a wide range of bags but I stuck to the classic bike messenger model. Timbuk2 bags are a little bit more expensive than similar models by companies like Crumpler but their robust construction and simple but excellent features still please me to this day."

Compared to other sites that have quick reviews of product samples that are sent to them, this blog is the real deal. Their reviews are after years of using products. It's the kind of review that you would expect to get by word of mouth from a produevangelistist, but it's on a blog. The most striking thing is that even though the company is technology-focused, they seem to be providing reviews on products that they actually use, technology or otherwise.

I look forward to further reviews from these folks.

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