Monday, March 08, 2004

Blogging book for business

I received an e-mail from the Ensight blog, so I headed over to check it out (I've also added it to my blogroll on the left panel).

An interesting article that I picked out of the bunch was about a Blog user manual for business. The author of Ensight, Jeremy has proposed that he author a book about blogging in this
post. What a wonderful idea! I did some searching, and found that there really isn't a book on how to properly blog and what the potential return for businesses is by starting a blog. Sure, there are plenty of articles on how to create blogs, heck, there are blogs about blogging, but, much like technology before blogging, some companies and people at companies will surely need to have a hardcopy primer.

Ensight lists customer evangelism, PR, and functional setup as book topics. Absolutely! How about transparency? Customer service? Improved HR process? Using blogs on intranets for employees? The topics and possibilities are endless.

Tell you what Jeremy, if you're still looking, I'd be happy to co-author the book with you. I've been wanting to write a book for a while as well and maybe your idea is the perfect launch platform for both of us.

Let me know.

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