Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Ever been frustrated with Windows and PC configurations?

Miguel Liebermann was very frustrated with the performance of stock Windows software and stock PC's in a business that did not forgive mistakes. After barely completing a commercial for Coca Cola's Millennium TV spot, Miguel began working with suppliers and manufacturers to create the kind of PC's that performed how he envisioned they needed to perform. Enter the company called L.

L carries some of the highest end PC's, laptops, displays, and accessories for both consumers and professionals. Not only does L carry extremely high performance hardware, but L actually has made modifications to the core Windows XP operating system and core Internet Explorer software.

Check out the Grand Canyon display systems that use multiple LCD monitors to stretch from 72 to 96 inches.

Check out L's Windows XP modifications.

I wonder what would happen if more people decided to go out and change the products that they hated or weren't performing as they wanted. With the shrink of the global economy and the ability for anyone to offshore their manufacturing, the possibilities are endless.

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